Liquid Therapy

I'm working on an exciting ongoing project with Liquid Therapy an award winning charity that provide a supported environment that enables individuals to experience the fun and benefit of surf, play and water therapy. I have been designing an array of printed and digital materials including posters/ flyers, training manuals and corporate brochures. Here you see examples of my work so far.


Recently Liquid Therapy hosted a festival to promote inclusive surfing and I was asked to design the promotional content to use on social media as well as design the seminar program.

A Drop In The Ocean - A Surf Therapy Evaluation

I was asked to create a document to present research results and evaluation of Liquid Therapy’s ‘A Drop In The Ocean’ programme. It had to be designed in a way that could be used as a powerpoint presentation as well as a digital document accessible from their website.

A Drop In The Ocean

A Drop in the Ocean or ADITO is an evidence based 8 session program for individuals aged between 8 and 16 years. The program, built with a focus on mental health and well-being, is designed to compliment beach workshops with ocean time. I was asked to design a logo and lesson plans for the program in the form of a booklet.

Training Manual

Liquid Therapy have a large number of volunteers with new people joining every year all of whom have varying levels of experience. A training manual was needed to guide the volunteers through working with each other and the participants. The brief was to create something that captured the essence of Liquid Therapy visually as well as giving concise guidance/instructions through words and diagrams.

MACE Brochure

Liquid Therapy is a registered service provider for the HSE through the MACE project, which is supported by the European Union’s INTERREG VA Programme. This is an information brochure that would be given to the service users by the HSE.

